meet bonnie cathryn

Hey there! I’m Bonnie Cathryn, but most people call me BC. I’m a proud Tennessee native, and I now call Birmingham, AL, home. As the middle child in a lively family of seven, I grew up finding order amidst joyful chaos, which sparked my innate love for planning. It doesn't take long for people to see that I'm a planner at heart—thriving on details and logistics, and finding joy in piecing together the puzzle of every trip, event, or project to create unforgettable experiences.

My love for planning and travel has always been intertwined, and I’ve been fortunate to explore the world from a young age. Now, as an adult, I'm known for never staying in one place too long—constantly on the move and eager to get the next adventure on the calendar.

What I find most rewarding is helping people turn their travel visions into reality by creating itineraries that reflect their unique preferences. Whether it's a family getaway, a romantic escape, or solo adventure, I know the impact a personalized trip can make, and I'd love to help you craft your next adventure!

When I'm not planning trips, you’ll find me laughing over a glass of wine with friends, planning my next dinner party, or curled up on the couch with my pup, watching a new show!

Most memorable travel experience to date? I’m very fortunate to have had many travel experiences throughout my lifetime. My dad always says, “Invest in experiences, not things,” and our family has certainly embraced that philosophy! Among my most memorable trips, two stand out.

  • The first was a Christmas trip to Switzerland with my sisters and parents. We decided last minute to celebrate Christmas in Europe, and it turned out to be one of our best decisions. We were captivated by its beauty—it felt like living in a snow globe! We explored Zurich, wandered through festive Christmas markets, and visited picturesque towns. We ended our trip in the charming ski town of Engelberg, where our hotel made the experience truly special. From the warm welcome and personalized service to the torch-lit walk on Christmas Eve and the best Christmas breakfast we've ever had, every detail was perfect. Not to mention, Skiing in the Swiss Alps on Christmas Day is a memory I will never forget!

  • The other standout trip is one I just returned from—the Paris Olympics! My family and I spent four days soaking up the Olympic spirit and exploring Paris. Afterward, we headed to Portugal to explore Porto and Lisbon. We stayed at some of my favorite hotels, tried surfing in the Atlantic (with varying degrees of success), and met wonderful people. Attending the Olympics was a dream come true, and Portugal quickly became one of my favorite countries, thanks to the warmth and hospitality we experienced.

Where do you dream of traveling next? I have an ever-growing list of dream destinations, but Scotland is the next spot I would like to go to. I would also love to include a stop at the new Estelle Manor in England; it looks absolutely wonderful!

What attracts you to travel somewhere? A fancy hotel? The culture? The culinary? Natural beauty? History? So many things! I love traveling to discover unique hotels, but what really excites me is immersing myself in new cultures. There’s something magical about stepping into a new city or country—meeting the locals, sampling new foods, and soaking up their way of life. It’s always eye-opening and so much fun, making every trip a new adventure!

Travel tip? If you're visiting a new city, especially internationally, I always recommend starting with a guided tour. It helps you get acquainted with the city and learn a bit about its history before exploring the city on your own. 

Favorite hotel? Choosing a favorite hotel is always a challenge, but right now, the Torel Palace in Porto, Portugal, is at the top of my list. It’s a charming little gem with impeccable service and a beautiful, unique design. It felt like our own personal retreat in the city, and they went above and beyond to make sure every need was met during our stay! We also had a 2 year old traveling with us and they made traveling with a toddler so much easier! 

Favorite travel quote: “We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us.” 

Go to karaoke song: I would probably go for Picture by Kid Rock & Sheryl Crow or Not Ready to Make Nice by The Chicks